Developing for Apple’s devices can throw up a few little quirks that don’t happen when using Android devices.
This one happens if you are using shared objects to store information between sessions.
Basically, you should always call the flush mechanism whether you are adding more data to the shared object or if you are deleting something from the shared object.
What you find is if you have a shared object ‘shared’ with a value = “something”, then you delete that value using
if you try to access the value firstValue you will get null.
This is exactly what I’d expect.
Then lets say you exit the app and you either kill the app from running in the background or iOS stops it. Then the next time you load the app and access the shared object you will get back “something” and not null.
You must flush the shared object for it to be stored locally, otherwise when the app is killed, the local storage will not have been updated.
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