Flex and Pixelbender

Flex and Pixelbender

Want to use flex and pixelbender…?
Well first you should get the pixelbender toolkit from Adobe labs

I’m going to use one of the supplied filters with the toolkit just to show how straightforward it is to use with flex.
If you open the pixelbender toolkit and then open the sepia filter (this is the one I’ve use in the demo – right click on swf file for source), load an image then build and run. You can now see the image being transformed inside pixelbender.

Now to integrate that with flex :),
first export for flash and save the pjb file for use in your flex project.
pixelbender screenshot

Now run the demo below and check out the source code to explain how I’ve done it.
[swfobj src=”/flex/pixel_bender/PixelBender.swf” alt=”<p>go get flash player 10.0.22 or above at www.adobe.com</p>” width=”400″ height=”400″ align=”center” ]

Now feel free to copy and modify the code and try out some of the other filters.

All DisplayObject’s can have filters so you can use this method on pretty much anything in flex.
For more info check out the video Pixel Bender Unleashed by Ryan Taylor (if the link doesn’t work – supplied by adobe RSS feed, wasn’t working when I filed this post try this link actual flv link This will play in any flv viewer such as Adobe media player )

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