Google, RSLs and indexing

Google, RSLs and indexing

A while back I posted an article on Google giving errors with indexing SWF files that used the RSL framework feature to reduce the overall size of your SWF. It seemed to me very odd that you have Adobe trying to push the use of RSL’s as well as bumming up the great work that they’ve done with Google to index SWFs but not mentioning that fact that Google couldn’t index a SWF with an RSL. This lead people to see errors when they tried to find their app in a Google search.  See this for details

Anyway good news, finally Google can index SWF files with external resources.  This news came out a few days back, but due to my blog needing fixed (it was breaking FF – wordpresses fault:( ) and other things going on blah blah…

Well here is the annoucement from Google – I have yet to try this out, but if it works as it say it does then great. another bonus for using Flex.

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