Getting back into my Blog

Getting back into my Blog

Given in the past 3-4 years I’ve only put up around 3 or 4 posts I’m going to try and get back into posting useful information. This may well repeat things others have said, but it will be in my way.

Everyone has there own take on knowledge, so hopefully folk will find this helpful. In the early days of this blog I know it was viewed by many Flex developers. At one point it was pretty popular! But as we all know Flex is dead (still awesome and better in many ways than even the latest JS, but lets not go there…)

What’s my first topic going to be?


Why? well as I pick up ES6, I’m seeing many ‘funky’ and neat techniques which takes me a few reads to figure out what is exactly going on.

So if you want to find out more check back and hopefully I’ll have something worth reading!

Here is the first one –

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